发布日期:2025-01-04 11:03 点击次数:94
今天,社交媒体上关于「吃瓜」的话题引发热议,为什么国外(除东南亚和中东等地)很少吃西瓜呢?据说,西瓜在国外的稀罕程度类似于国内的榴莲。 有人知道为什么吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. Which nutrient in watermelon is noted primarily for its cardiovascular benefits? A) Vitamin C B) Potassium C) Lycopene D) Vitamin A 2.What does the article clarify about watermelon's impact on blood sugar levels? A)It has a high glycemic index but a low glycemic load. B) It has both high glycemic index and load. C) It has a low glycemic index and high glycemic load. D) It has neither glycemic index nor load. 无注释原文: Is Watermelon Good for You? From: The New York Times Is watermelon good for you? How much? Watermelon is rich in nutrients – including vitamins A and C, B vitamins and potassium — but where it really packs a punch is with lycopene, the antioxidant pigment that gives the fruit its deep red color. Some studies suggest that lycopene may have cardiovascular benefits, including reducing the risk of stroke, and eating watermelon may slightly lower blood pressure. Researchers have also looked at lycopene's possible role in protecting against various cancers, though evidence is scant. You can get lycopene from tomatoes, particularly cooked and stewed tomatoes, but “on a fresh basis, you can't do better than watermelon,” said Penelope Perkins-Veazie, a professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh who has studied lycopene and is an unpaid science adviser to the National Watermelon Promotion Board. Red watermelon has more lycopene than other watermelon varieties, and “seedless watermelon tends to have more,” she said. Lycopene from watermelon is also easily absorbed into the body. In one small study, researchers gave volunteers lycopene from tomato juice and lycopene from watermelon; the tomato juice had received heat treatments to boost absorption. They found the two groups had similar blood levels of lycopene. Though watermelon doesn't have as much fiber as many other fruits and vegetables, it is fat-free, contains a lot of water and is low in calories, with about 45 calories in a one-cup serving. Many people worry about the amount of sugar in watermelon, but “that's a bit of a misconception, because the sugar content is actually lower than some other fruits, gram for gram,” said Jennifer McDaniel, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. While a cup of diced watermelon has about nine grams of sugar, a medium banana contains 14 to 15 grams of sugar, as does a cup of blueberries. Dietary guidelines recommend adults eat two cups of fruit a day. And while watermelon has a high glycemic index, a measure of a food's ability to raise blood sugar levels, that also adds to the confusion. In fact, its high water content gives it a low glycemic load, meaning it does not raise blood sugar levels quickly in amounts typically eaten. - ◆ - 注:完整题目见本文开头;中文文本为纽约时报官方译文,仅供参考 含注释全文: Is Watermelon Good for You? From: The New York Times Is watermelon good for you? How much? 西瓜对人体有好处吗?有多大好处? Watermelon is rich innutrients– includingvitaminsA and C, B vitamins andpotassium— but where it reallypacks a punchis withlycopene, theantioxidant pigmentthat gives the fruit its deep red color. Some studies suggest that lycopene may havecardiovascularbenefits, including reducing the risk ofstroke, and eating watermelon may slightly lower blood pressure. Researchers have also looked at lycopene's possible role in protecting against various cancers, though evidence isscant. 西瓜营养丰富,包括维生素A、维生素C、B族维生素和钾,但西瓜最有用的成分是番茄红素,即让西瓜呈现出深红色的那种抗氧化剂色素。一些研究表明,番茄红素可能有益于心血管健康,包括降低中风风险,并且吃西瓜可能会轻微降低血压。研究人员还对番茄红素在预防各类癌症上可能起的作用进行了研究,不过证据不足。 nutrient nutrient /ˈnjuː.tri.ənt/ 表示“养分;营养物,滋养物”,英文解释为“any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow”举个🌰:It's good soil - full of nutrients. 这土壤肥沃——养分很足。 vitamin vitamin /ˈvɪt.ə.mɪn/ 表示“维生素;维他命”,英文解释为“any of a group of natural substances that are necessary in small amounts for the growth and good health of the body”如:a vitamin pill 维生素片。 potassium potassium /pəˈtæs.i.əm/ 表示“钾”,英文解释为“a silver-white chemical element that, when combined with other elements, is used in the production of soap, glass, and fertilizers (= substances that help plants to grow)” pack a punch 表示“有巨大作用(或影响)”,英文解释为“to have a lot of force or a great effect”举个🌰:His speech packed quite a punch. 他的演说铿锵有力。These cocktails taste quite innocent, but they really pack a punch! 这些鸡尾酒喝起来觉得没什么,可实际上后劲非常大! lycopene lycopene /ˈlaɪ.kə.piːn/ 表示“西红柿红素(存在于西红柿或其他一些红色果实中的一种物质,对某些癌症有预防作用)”,英文解释为“a substance in tomatoes and some other red fruits that may prevent some types of cancer” antioxidant antioxidant /ˌæn.tiˈɒk.sɪ.dənt/ 表示“抗氧化剂,阻氧化剂,防老(化)剂”,英文解释为“a substance that slows down the rate at which something decays because of oxidization” pigment pigment /ˈpɪɡ.mənt/ 表示“色素;颜料”,英文解释为“a substance that gives something a particular colour when it is present in it or is added to it”举个🌰:Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin, and eyes that is present in varying amounts in every human being. 黑色素是头发、皮肤和眼睛中的黑褐色色素,每个人体内或多或少都有这种色素。 cardiovascular cardiovascular /ˌkɑːdɪəʊˈvæskjʊlə/ 表示“心血管的”,英文解释为“Cardiovascular means relating to the heart and blood vessels.”举个🌰:Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. 吸烟会严重增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。 stroke stroke /strəʊk/ 表示“中风”,英文解释为“a sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the brain, sometimes causing a loss of the ability to move particular parts of the body”举个🌰:She suffered/had a stroke that left her unable to speak. 她中风了,不能开口说话。 scant scant /skænt/ 表示“少量的;不足的;贫乏的”,英文解释为“very little and not enough”举个🌰:He pays scant attention to the needs of his children. 他很少关注自己孩子的需求。 You can get lycopene from tomatoes, particularly cooked andstewedtomatoes, but “on a fresh basis, you can't do better than watermelon,” said Penelope Perkins-Veazie, a professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh who has studied lycopene and is an unpaid science adviser to the National Watermelon Promotion Board. Red watermelon has more lycopene than other watermelonvarieties, and “seedless watermelon tends to have more,” she said. 人们可从番茄,尤其是经过烹制的熟番茄中吸收番茄红素,但“在新鲜的情况下,西瓜是最好的,”在位于罗利的北卡罗来纳州立大学(North Carolina State University)研究番茄红素的教授佩内洛普·珀金斯-维齐(Penelope Perkins-Veazie)说,她同时还是全国西瓜促进委员会(National Watermelon Promotion Board)的无薪科学顾问。她表示,红色西瓜中的番茄红素比其他品种的西瓜多,且“无籽西瓜中的番茄红素往往更多”。 stewed stewed /stjuːd/ 表示“炖的,煨的,用文火煮的”,英文解释为“cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid”如:stewed fruit 烩水果 variety variety /vəˈraɪə.ti/ 1)表示“不同种类;不同品种”,英文解释为“a different type of something”举个🌰:Our supermarket stocks apples in several different varieties. 我们超市有几个不同品种的苹果。 2)表示“多样化;变化”,英文解释为“the characteristic of often changing and being different”举个🌰:When planning meals, you need to think about variety and taste as well as nutritional value. 做饭时,你既需要考虑饭菜的营养价值,又需要考虑饭菜的花样和味道。 Lycopene from watermelon is also easilyabsorbedinto the body. In one small study, researchers gave volunteers lycopene from tomato juice and lycopene from watermelon; the tomato juice had received heat treatments toboostabsorption. They found the two groups had similar blood levels of lycopene. 西瓜中的番茄红素易被人体吸收。在一项小型研究中,研究人员向志愿者提供了番茄汁中的番茄红素和西瓜中的番茄红素。为了促进吸收,番茄汁经过了加热。研究人员发现,两组人的血液中的番茄红素含量相近。 absorb absorb /əbˈzɔːb/ 1)表示“(尤指逐渐)吸收”,英文解释为“to take something in, especially gradually”举个🌰:Plants absorb carbon dioxide. 植物吸收二氧化碳。 2)表示“(公司等)承担开支”,英文解释为“if a business absorbs the cost of something, it pays that cost easily”举个🌰:The school has absorbed most of the expenses so far, but it may have to offer fewer places next year to reduce costs. 这间学校目前能够承担大部分的费用,可是明年可能不得不通过减少招生降低开支。 名词:absorption /əbˈzɔːp.ʃən/ 表示“吸收”,英文解释为“the process of taking something into another substance”举个🌰:Some poisonous gases can enter the body by absorption through the skin. 一些有毒气体可以通过皮肤吸收进入体内。 boost boost /buːst/ 可以作名词也可以作动词,表示“改善;提高;增强;推动”,英文解释为“to improve or increase something”举个🌰:The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. 剧院设法通过降低票价来增加观众数量。 📍“佩洛西有病还是先治病吧”文中提到be boosted,get boosted用来指打了加强针(疫苗),也有说booster shot/booster dose. Though watermelon doesn't have as muchfiberas many other fruits and vegetables, it is fat-free, contains a lot of water and is low incalories, with about 45 calories in a one-cup serving. 尽管西瓜的纤维含量不及其他很多水果和蔬菜,但它不含脂肪,水分丰富,热量低,一杯份西瓜中所含的热量仅为45卡路里左右。 fiber 美式 fiber 英式 fibre /ˈfaɪ.bər/ 表示“(植物或人造物的)纤维,丝”,英文解释为“any of the thread-like parts that form plant or artificial material and can be made into cloth”举个🌰:The fibres are woven into fabric. 纤维被织成织物。 calorie calorie /ˈkæl.ər.i/ 表示“卡,卡路里(测量食物所含热量的单位)”,英文解释为“a unit of energy, often used as a measurement of the amount of energy that food provides”举个🌰:There are about 50 calories in an apple. 一个苹果大约含有50卡路里的热量。 Many people worry about the amount of sugar in watermelon, but “that's a bit of amisconception, because the sugar content is actually lower than some other fruits,gram for gram,” said Jennifer McDaniel, aregistered dietitianand spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. While a cup ofdicedwatermelon has about nine grams of sugar, a medium banana contains 14 to 15 grams of sugar, as does a cup of blueberries. Dietary guidelines recommend adults eat two cups of fruit a day. 很多人担心西瓜的含糖量,但注册营养师、营养与饮食学会(Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)发言人珍妮弗·麦克丹尼尔(Jennifer McDaniel)表示,“这里有一些误解,因为同等重量的话,西瓜的含糖量其实比其他一些水果还低。”一杯切成丁的西瓜所含的糖分约为9克,而一根中等大小的香蕉的含糖量为14到15克,和一杯蓝莓相当。一些膳食指南建议成年人一天吃两杯水果。 misconception misconception /ˌmɪs.kənˈsep.ʃən/ 表示“误解,错误的想法”,英文解释为“an idea that is wrong because it has been based on a failure to understand a situation”举个🌰:I'd like to clear up the common misconception that older workers don't know how to use technology. 我想消除一种普遍的误解,即认为年纪大一些的工人不知道如何使用科技。 gram gram /ɡræm/ 表示“(质量单位)克”,英文解释为“a unit of mass equal to 0.001 kilograms” 📍gram for gram是一个表示按重量比较的短语,意思是“每克相比”,或者“按克数计算”。这个表达用来比较两种或多种物品在相同重量下的某些特性或含量。 registered registered /ˈredʒ.ɪ.stəd/ 表示“已注册的;经注册批准的;(经政府核准)登记的(或注册的)”,英文解释为“officially listed and accepted”如:a registered nurse/charity/trademark 注册护士/慈善机构/商标。 register表示“(尤指把姓名)登记,注册,记录”,英文解释为“to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record”举个🌰:I registered the car in my name. 我把车登记在我的名下。 dietitian dietitian /ˌdaɪ.əˈtɪʃ.ən/ 表示“饮食保健专家,营养学家,营养师”,英文解释为“a person who scientifically studies and gives advice about food and eating” dice dice /daɪs/ 作动词,表示“将…切成小方块,把…切成丁”,英文解释为“to cut food into small squares”如:diced carrots 胡萝卜丁,举个🌰:Peel and dice the potatoes. 把土豆去皮并切成丁。 dice,作名词,美式/旧式用法 die,表示“骰子”,英文解释为“a small cube (= object with six equal square sides) with a different number of spots on each side, used in games involving chance”,复数也是dice. 📍roll a die 表示“摇骰子”,英文解释为“Rolling a die means throwing the shape into the air to obtain a certain number to move forward in any game.” 📍God does not play dice with the universe. “上帝不会掷骰子”是物理学家爱因斯坦的一句名言。人们把这句名言当做他断然否定量子力学的证据,因为量子力学把随机性看作是物理世界的内禀性质,但人们其实误解了他。 And while watermelon has a highglycemic index, a measure of a food's ability to raise blood sugar levels, that also adds to the confusion. In fact, its high water content gives it a low glycemic load, meaning it does not raise blood sugar levels quickly in amounts typically eaten. 西瓜的血糖生成指数高——这是一个衡量食物提高血糖水平的能力的指标,这也进一步增加了人们的困惑。实际上,高含水量使西瓜的生糖负荷降低,也就是说按照常规的量食用西瓜不会导致血糖水平迅速升高。 glycemic index 美式 glycemic index 英式 glycaemic index /ɡlaɪˌsiː.mɪk ˈɪn.deks/ 表示“升胰岛素指数(指食物进入人体后血糖或胰岛素上升的指数)”,英文解释为“a system for listing foods according to how quickly they increase the level of sugar in your blood” - 词汇盘点 - nutrient、 vitamin、 potassium、 pack a punch、 lycopene、 antioxidant、 pigment、 cardiovascular、 stroke、 scant、 stewed、 variety、 absorb、 boost、 fiber、 calorie、 misconception、 gram、 registered、 dietitian、 dice、 glycemic index - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT - A registered dietitian debunked the misconception that stewed varieties pack less nutrient punch. Diced tomatoes, rich in potassium, vitamin C, and lycopene—a pigment and antioxidant—help absorb fiber, boost cardiovascular health, and manage stroke risk. Despite scant calories per gram, their low glycemic index boosts dietary value. - 推荐阅读 - 写在九周年的话 为了这个合集,准备了39个月 「LearnAndRecord」2023年度盘点 有人听写吗?推荐练听力小程序 - END - LearnAndRecord 2015年2月8日 2024年4月27日 第3367天 每天持续行动学外语